Friday, February 20, 2009

Boba Fett animation that doesn't work and you don't want to see

Here's an image of one of my makings. It was meant to be animated, but Google doesn't allow it to animate, for some reason.

Thursday, February 19, 2009

You don't want to read this, it's boring.

I warned you already, and I will again. STOP BEFORE IT'S TOO LATE! This is going to be the most boring and annoying blog you ever read. Stop now. Stop. STOP! Alright, I'll let you read. But I warned you. If you read this far, though, you'll already be so bored you'll have fallen asleep on your keyboard and had your computer dutifully crash on you. And if you're awake, you'll want to have gone to another blog. If you're still awake, you might just want to press the little 1/0 button/switch on your computer screen. Now, on to business. Oh, wait, I think I'll just keep warning you till you get the idea. TURN OFF YOUR SCREEN, NOW!

Now, since I have nothing else to say, you might as well finally obey my command dutifully. Or commit suicide. Hara-kiri is especially preferable to chopping your wrists (Very pleasant topic, eh? *g* Told you you wouldn't want to read this.), too. Your choice.